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Our Loving Services: Supporting Your Family’s Postpartum Journey

At Sun and Moon Carers, we offer a range of heartfelt services to support new parents and their newborns. From overnight newborn care to postpartum doula support, our compassionate caregivers are here to provide the personalized care your family needs during this precious time.

Tailored Postpartum Care for Your Unique Family Needs

Overnight Newborn Care

Caring for your baby throughout the night, our Overnight Newborn Care Specialists give you the opportunity to rest and recharge. Starting at $35- $40 an hour for a single baby and $40-$50 for twins, our services include:

• Loving support for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding
• Gentle burping and diaper changing
• Attentive monitoring
• Preparing and cleaning bottles with care
• Recording your baby's patterns (eating, sleeping, elimination, and mood)
• Sleep conditioning to help establish healthy routines

Postpartum Doula Care

Our Postpartum Doulas provide nurturing daytime support, allowing you to bond with your newborn while easing back into your daily routine. Services include:

• Mindful preparation and cleaning of bottles
• Soothing burping and diaper changing
• Engaging in nurturing development activities
• Laundry assistance with a gentle touch
• Lovingly prepared meals

Newborn Consults

When questions or concerns arise, our experienced specialists are ready to offer guidance with empathy and understanding. We provide 3-hour consultations to address your worries, provide emotional support, and share valuable insights tailored to your family's needs.

Lactation Consults

Our expert lactation consultants are here to support you in overcoming challenges, answering questions, and ensuring a satisfying breastfeeding journey. Offering in-person and virtual consultations, we'll provide you with personalized strategies and continuous support, promoting optimal health for both you and your baby. Trust in our compassionate, professional care to empower you as you nourish your little one.

Customized Care Packages

We understand that every family's needs are unique. At Sun and Moon Carers, we offer customizable care packages designed to provide the perfect level of support for your family. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us create a personalized care plan just for you.